Nadya Perera is an independent film maker from Colombo.
Mathavan Maheswaran
Mathavan is an award-winning short film director who is known for creatively transforming a written script into arresting visualĀ images on screen.
Abdul Halik Azeez
Halik trained as a journalist, economist and linguist before migrating to becoming an artist. His work investigates connections between colonialism, neoliberalism, contemporary culture and the self within modernity.
Lara Wijesuriya
Lara is a historian-in-training, interested in communities and religious beliefs.
Natalie Soysa
Natalie is an activist, creating work mainly as a lens-based artist but also as filmmaker, graphic designer, writer and editor.
Hasini Haputhanthri
Hasini is a part of a global network of researchers and practitioners onĀ peace-building, arts and heritage management.
Kitty Ritig
Kitty is a new media artist and an illustrator who works with a variety of media and in augmented reality.
Natasha Van-Hoff
Natasha is a researcher working with communities engaged in land struggles, who documents land rights violations, and carries out capacity building for community-based organisations.
Amalini De Sayrah
Amalini works in civic media and civil society communications, documenting a range of human rights issues, primarily through field-based reporting with communities across the island.
Oliver Friedmann
Oliver is a research student and filmmaker who has worked in journalism and media while completing studies in anthropology and political theory.
Sujeewa De Silva
Sujeewa is a documentary film director with over 10 years of experience in more than 25 documentary films, and a photographer specializing in documentary, editorial and travel photography.